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Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

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American Gun Co. Knickerbocker 12ga, 29 5/8' barrels, 'Poor Man's Double.' Nice shiny bores, needs to be tightened in bolt release area, pictures reflect the rest. Here is a chance to show your grandchildren how tough you had it! Overall very good.

Nothing on the barrel or anywhere else on the shotgun gives any information other then it was made by the hunter arms co. Mers fulton ny. On the frame of the gun connected to the firing pin housing is the following info: fw 95127 and under the numbers is the word 'field '. Can you tell me anything about this shotgun, mfg. MODELS, SERIAL NUMBERS AND MANUFACTURING DATES FOR ITHACA GUNS. Reprinted with express written permission from Walter Claude Snyder's books ' The Ithaca Gun Company From The Beginning ' and ' Ithaca Featherlight Repeaters: The Best Gun Going: A Complete History of the Ithaca Model 37 and the Model 87 '.

Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers 222


The following is an excerpt from a Remington 1902 catalog.


For guidance of customers ordering double gun parts, we give the following information :

The Remington Double Gun has been made in six models, known as HAMMER LIFTER ACTION, LIFTER ACTION, MODEL '82, MODEL '83, MODEL '85, AND '87. AND MODEL '89,
many parts of which differ. Parties owning guns can determine their model by comparing their hammers with the following drawings:


The above illustrations taken from an old Remington 1902 parts catalog

Courtesy of Roy Gunther, William M. Furnish & Charles G. Semmer as published in THE GUN REPORT, July & August 1991

Remington never used the year of the first production as a model number, however it has since become common practice to do so. The language used here ARE the first year of production for each named type.

M1873 or 'hammer lifter model' used a lever on the tang that lifted up to open the barrels and draw the hammers back to half cock. The lockplate had 3 screws at the rear, made in 10 & 12 gauges.

M1876 or 'lifter model' had the lifter opening the barrels. Hammers were rebounding. First was the recessed hammer noses, & later flat. Four screws at the end of the lockplate, made in 10 & 12 gauges.
The 1873 & 1876 were available in shotgun and rifle & shotgun combinations.

M1878 or :heavy duck gun'; lockplate had flat faced hammers, no rudimentary fence at the bottom of the bolster & used a doll's head rib extension into the frame.

First pinned forearms were used, later Deely & Edge latch was used. 10 gauge only.

Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

M1882, for the first time a conventional turning lever to open the barrel was used. Made in 10 & 12 gauges.

M1883 was introduced into the catalogs, but few have been observed. The hammers are different, made in 10 & 12 gauges.

M1885-87, used the same serial numbers as the 1882 model. The hammer was again different. Made in 10, 12 & 16 gauges.

M1889, the last & largest volume made of the hammer guns, & the hammer was again different & significant than all the rest. Made in 10, 12, & 16 gauges.

, was the first hammerless, made in 10, 12, & 16 gauges. Could have been had in 'ordnance or damascus steel barrels. This model has a Purdey forend fastener (push button type)

M1900, hammerless, made in 12 & 16 gauges. Could have been had in 'ordnance or damascus steel barrels. This model has the snap on Baker type forend fastener.

18821000 - 20001882-1887
188314,000 - 16,0001883-1884
1885/8717,000 - 24,0001885/87-1889
188924,000 - 265,000 (skipped most of 100,000 series)1889-1900
1894100,000 - 140,7001894-1910
1900300,000 - 395,0001900-1910

Differences in Remington model 1894 & 1900 double shotguns.
Courtesy of Terry Deem

The 1894 was more of a precision fit gun & could be had as an engraved version. The 1900 was basically an 'economy' version of the 1894.
Before 1906 both the 1894 & 1900 models had the firing pin made integral on the hammers. Around 1906 Remington made the change to the floating firing pin on both guns. It was a running change so there is no exact serial number.
The best way to tell the two model's apart is by the serial numbers. The model 1894 serial number's start with a (1) and the model 1900 serial number's start with a (3). All have 6 number's in the serial number. So if the serial number start's with a (3) it is a model 1900. Also on the 1894 especially on later gun's sometimes there is a 'P' ahead of the serial number, The 'P' signifies the 1894. On the 1900 sometimes there is a 'Q' ahead of the serial number, the 'Q' signifies the model 1900.
As far as the receiver parts go about the only difference is fit and finish between the 1894 and the 1900.
Another difference is the 1894 has a Purdey forend fastener (push button) and the 1900 has the snap on Baker type forend fastener.
Gun's with flat ribs will be earlier guns, & will usually have the firing pin's as part of the hammer. Also, if either the 1894 or 1900 model has a concave rib (not flat) and /or one screw in the trigger guard (not two) and /or a concave safety it will almost always have the floating firing pin's. The changes to the floating firing pin was around 1906.
Also on both models the 1894 and 1900, there is the 1894 patent date on the forend iron.
For the model 1900, they did away with the point on top of the buttplate and went to a cheaper straighter buttplate.
I have collected Remington model 1894 and 1900 double for over 40 years. I also do repair and restoration on them. Thanks for allowing me to explain.

Terry Deem ( (sorry, but this e-mail is no longer valid)

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Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers

Knickerbocker Shotgun Serial Numbers Lookup

Originated 05-17-04 Last updated 11-02-2020
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